Khustai National Park

Khustai National Park is located in Central Mongolia, it is home to the rare and endangered Przewalski’s horses, the only species of wild horses in the world. The Przewalski’s horse, also known as “takhi” in Mongolian, is considered to be the last and only remaining wild horse species in the world. Once found throughout the steppes of western Europe and Asia, by the early 1960s, Przewalski’s horses were only found in Mongolia’s Gobi region. In 1992, reintroduction of Przewalski’s horses was begun in Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan. At that time, 16 Przewalski's horses from the Netherlands were successfully transported to Hustain Nuruu, which later became Hustai National Park in central Mongolia. Mongolia is the only place in the world where Przewalski’s horses exist within their historic range. The number is now 380. It takes a two-hours drive to reach the main entrance at the north of the park. Details: Hustai resort located in Tuv province Argalant soum, 82 km far from Ulaanbaatar.

Languages SpokenMongolian
Currency UsedTugrug (₮)
Country NameMongolia

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